Commander in the Wild

Illustration for article titled Commander in the Wild

About a week and a half ago we went down to Ohio for our annual camping trip, we only stayed for the day to see our friends, but we had enough time to have a little fun with the Commander in the back portion of the park (yes we had permission to be in the field). So as promised, here’s some pics off the lift and in the wild!

Illustration for article titled Commander in the Wild
Illustration for article titled Commander in the Wild

I have to say we can’t believe the difference this kit made on the truck. Seeing stock Commanders, they look like station wagons to us now. I couldn’t even imagine if we did the 4 inch stead of the 2! We were parked next to a Sierra 1500 at lunch today, our windowsills were higher than the pickup and we won’t even talk about bumper height up front lol.