This Came in the Mail Recently

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I ordered straight from Exploring Overland for $75.00.

Which is a lot for a book, but I’m a book kinda guy, and considering used copies of the Third Edition are going for $200+ on Amazon, it’s not too bad of a buy. Here’s a hard cover Third Edition with a $1600.00 price tag!


If you’re not familiar, the Vehicle-Dependent Expedition Guide is considered to be one of the foundational texts of modern overlanding, and clocking in at about 600 pages, it’s not messing around.

Tom Sheppard is a former Royal Air Force test pilot, and led the first vehicle-based expedition through the Derien Gap, as well as an epic West-East transit of the Sahara. He knows what he’s talking about, but he’s very, let’s say, British, and it comes across heavily both in the writing style and the book’s worldview. However, his new co-author, Jonathon Hanson, is a Yank, and there is a lot more North America-centered content in this edition.


I’ve only just started flipping through it, but it seems pretty substantively updated over the previous edition, which, while having gone through some minor revisions, is now 17 years old. The chapters on vehicles are very current, even discussing the Jeep Renegade, and the 2015 G-Wagen. The section on navigational aids and other GPS technology is equally fresh.

I’ll try to share some more impressions as I start to read it more thoroughly.