Land Rover Defender. Where do we go from here?

Not sure how much interest there is for this in the in the US? (small but cult following?) I suppose the equivalent would be if Jeep was to stop making the Wrangler and start over. However for much of the 4x4 world this is a big deal.


We all know Land Rovers are not perfect, but like many things British and automotive, that is part of their charm. What they do well, they do very well. What they are not so flash at? Well, it’s for you to decide whether it’s worth it or not...

I found this great little video about the Defenders replacement, lovely regional British accent and all.

“Jobs that, lets face it. Every Land Rover Defender owner needs to do”. Gold.

The original Land Rover/Defender has earned it’s place in 4x4 adventure folklore. Personally I think they should concentrate on building the ultimate recreational 4x4. Forget the ‘commercial’ 4x4 market (mining, etc), Toyota already has that lock, stock, the whole lot. Very little margin in that anyway.


Something along the lines of what Jeep did with the Rubicon, but a clean sheet design. Imagine the possibilities? They have already shown they can make a luxury SUV do some pretty amazing stuff off road, what if they didn’t have to worry about compromising the design for ‘normal’ use?

Surely I am not alone in seeing what they come up with...