Retro Time!

Like Land Cruisers? Of course you do. Like retro 80’s things? Thought so...

Simple lines of the 60 series looking really good now. Just me? No, not just me, Grimm agrees:

Part 2:

Shoes are heavily taxed here, so most people just choose not to wear them.

Moreton Island featured in this video is just east of Bribie Island, upon getting posted with the Army to Brisbane, Queensland, and with N going back to see her family in the UK for Christmas, I thought I would have a little expedition to Bribie Island on my mountain bike. Only to get there and find that it was literally just sand and incredibly hard going on a bike (in Oz, Christmas is in the middle of summer, it’s weird...) I made it out to the campsite and pitched my tent only to be absolutely smashed by sandflys. Welcome to Queensland!


I’m not fazed by blood, etc, but on getting back to Brisbane and inspecting the state of my back (covered, really covered, in sandfly bites) in the mirror, made me feel a bit queasy to say the least...

But mate, the 60 is great but what about us chaps with an 80?

Ok, but don’t take yourself too seriously...

I think I know someone who might like this:

Ok, the quality isn’t great but there is some good stuff on that guy’s channel.

There is a show here called Border Protection or some such thing, and it is pretty errr, ‘stereotypical’ is a nice way of putting it. Anyway Toyota took the opportunity... Sorry, not sorry: