Unleashed TV goes Live!

So I guess the thing that ties us together here, is the desire to explore, and have new experiences. It doesn’t matter what you do it with, car, truck, bike, boat, whatevs. It’s just a tool for a job really. What if you had managed to make this your life, the quest to find new places and experiences?


Well I think this is basically where you end up.


These guys (All 4 Adventure) have honed their 4x4 show from the standard, sponsor heavy, product placement, advertorial segments, to just making the best adventure show they can. When most of your You Tube shorts comments tend to be “where can I watch this in—- (insert country that isn’t Australia)?” it’s time for another evolution.

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So they have now gone to an on-line subscription service. Pricing (in AU$) of which is here:


I like the fact it is always about finding the undiscovered. Something we all try to do in our own way (even if it is only undiscovered to you!).

With a looming trip and many expenses already this month, I’ll be subscribing next month. I’ll let you know what I find. If anyone takes the plunge before then, give us the heads up for sure.

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Bring it on!