4x4 Ramblings...

Just a random collection of stuff...

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Knowing what I am interested in, Australian friends often refer me to the Leyland Brothers. Before All 4 Adventure and Ronny Dahl, these chaps were the pioneers of adventure film in Australia. Not to mention introducing a whole generation of Australians to exploring their own country.

Browsing a local flea maket, I found one their books.

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Notice the 15 inch wide ‘swamper’ tyres on the Rover. Reminded me of this.

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The more things change, the more they stay the same...

Back when the outback was a far less travelled area. These guys really pushed the boundaries and contributed hugely to the 4x4 travel culture that exists in this country today. Luckily with our vast land mass and small population, focussed around the major cities, genuine remote travel is still easy to find, if you’re game...


While we are in this ball park, another Land Rover fan was the ‘Bush Tucker Man’ and a hero of another mate of mine.

Down this rabbit hole, I discovered this potted history of Rover, etc, in North America. Fascinating, like a microcosm of how these once great marques were squandered in the global market.



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With detail about the Rover 2000 (P6), the suspension of which was so inspiring to Spen King when he was creating the original Range Rover, and so plays a part in the modern SUV as we know it today. Geeky, but a good read if you like that sort of thing (and I quite want a P6...).

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I feel I need to get something with a tray, just so I can go around calling it a ‘bakkie’.

Finally I’ve been on the trail of the most infamous Range Rover of all time.

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F424 NPE, is the blue Vogue SE that featured in the Rettendon Murders, one of the most publicised gangland killings in British history and the subject of films such as Essex boys and Rise of the Foot Soldier.

That trailer makes it look pretty bad, but it is worth a watch if you like that sort of thing.


It had its moments...

Pulls no punches in other parts though.

On that, if anyone happens to be Googling this event further, there are actual crime scene and pre-autopsy photos easily accesible on-line. Not pleasant viewing by any standard, You have been warned.


F424 NPE to come up for sale back in 2008. That example has been used for some promotional work, unfortunately lacking the exposed door handles and sunroof of the original. Some dude even claimed he had it, and it smelled bad in the sun... Weird world we are in. I’m with the reports it was crushed by the Police, is there really any other answer? All part of the fun I suppose...