Adventure TV.

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Quiet weekend in the Rufant household, after the recent adventures. Time to catch up on some armchair expeditioning...


Unleashed Ep 6 released just in time for the weekend. After feral pig shooting and pushing the tinny through croc infested swamps, the boys are back doing what they do best. Getting trucks stuck, in the middle of nowehere.

Andrew is making plans. Slightly disappointed about him doing the Canning Stock Route, a challenge no doubt, but maybe not the unique challenge it once was. .…

I’m with commentator Patrick Rich (seems like a decent enough chap ;). The Darien is more dangerous than it’s ever been.


Mountain State Overland is into season 3.

Positive: Good to see them mixing it up with some kayak action.

Negatives: Seems all the music is done by one band now. One of the thing I enjoyed most about the first two seasons, was discovering all the cool blues/rhythm/country music that they had that was new to me. Offset by the fact they’ve got one that big 4x4 Ford Van, can someone help me out with what that is? I feel I NEED one of these for if when I make it to Americaland.


An oldie but a goody (extra points if you can spot the Defender).


The original doco here too.

Gotta love the internet, hey?