Dakar 2017. The Start.

Well, here we go Rallye Raid fans. Dakar 2017 is underway!

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A lot was made of introducing of including Paraguay as the 29th country in the Dakar’s history.

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I’m sure being on the ground for the build up and the start was awesome. However, a 39km competitive stage didn’t do the country justice. Let’s hope we see more of it next year.

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However that 39 km still threw a few spanners in the works. No suprise most of the serious guys took it easy, nothing to gain, plenty to lose on this stage. Typified by last years bike winner Toby Price cruising home in 17th position. Price having put the hard yards in beforehand in terms of preparation, making sure his beard was exactly the right length. Long enough you don’t have to worry about trimming that thing and past the point of being itchy. Yet, not so long it interferes with the aero on the bike.

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Lead Honda rider Joan Barreda showed how it wasn’t done by drowning his bike on this mickey mouse stage. Lucky for him, he’s still in it.

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The wise old head Peterhansel showed Price had it right by also not troubling the lead times on this stage in the cars. I feel the ‘car’ category has a different dynamic to the other categories. With lots of past Dakar winners still competing at the top level. Plus some ‘young’ chargers who have had plenty of success elsewhere.

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Illustration for article titled Dakar 2017. The Start.

If there is any place in the Dakar for ego’s, it’s here.

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So with only Peterhansel seemingly playing the long game, Nasser blitzed the stage (only to have an engine fire afterwards due to an oil line split onto the exhaust, then towed by De Villiers to the bivouac) followed by Xevi Pons in a Ford (a Ford!), then Nani Roma in another Toyota.

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Age-defying Carlos Sainz led the Peugeot contingent on this short and fast stage.

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With a levelling of playing field this year (all now running 38mm engine inlet restrictors) between the diversity of layouts this year (good if you ask me, tweak it again next year if required) and much moaning from the Peugeot squad, at this point it seems wide open. Let’s see if they are still moaning once some altitude and dunes are thrown into the equation...

Day two, now in Argentina brought a longer stage, although again fast. So now Loeb turned up the wick.

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Followed by Al-Attiyah, Sainz and De-Villiers. If it carries on like this it could be a right old ding dong!

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Illustration for article titled Dakar 2017. The Start.
Illustration for article titled Dakar 2017. The Start.

Price sent a warning shot over the bow of his competitors in this first proper stage, with speeds up around 200km/h he blitzed the stage by a near 3 minute margin from Goncalves. Get the right beard kids, and if possible a mullet to match.

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Stage 3. Well now we are in the Dakar. Price and Loeb both suffered for opening the road. Dust, navigation, extreme temperatures all had their part to play.

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It was a bad day for KTM all round, with Price’s team mates Sunderland and Walkner also having nav issues. Leaving Barreda to put them to the sword, surging to a clear stage win and more importantly putting 16 minutes on Price, could this be Honda’s year? It would be good for the category no doubt, but it’s stage 3, don’t count out the laconic Aussie and his KTM team mates just yet.

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Safe to say the complaining from Peugeot will stop now. A nightmare day for Toyota, running unexpectedly strongly at altitude (naturally aspirated glory under the bonnet hood), then it went pear. Nasser ripped a wheel off, De-Villiers and Roma collided, then De-Villiers had fuel pump failure and Roma stopped in stage too. The only man in the top 5 that wasn’t driving a Peugeot? ‘Grey Man’ of the Dakar, Mikko Hirvonen in a Mini.

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So this stage that had almost everyone getting lost and drama a plenty, who would come through in such difficult and trying conditions? Stephane Peterhansel of course! Like no other this event typifies, to finish first, first you have to finish. The wily old fox...

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All classes are wide open at this stage, despite the apparent time differences. Peugeot look incredibly strong, but all their drivers will be out for personal glory, be in no doubt, that could mean some wrecked cars. Don’t discount MINI either, X-Raid know how to win, and they have some solid drivers.


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Trucks. Last years winner De-Rooy also had a small fire on the first day and then double punctures on S3 put him 30 minutes behind. It’s along way back from there with some strong and experienced crews ahead.

The awesome looking Renualt truck is making a strong showing and is currently 10th outright.

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With Tatra, Kamaz and Iveco making up the top three, in that order.

Illustration for article titled Dakar 2017. The Start.

So far looking like a real Dakar. Temps well over 100 degrees on the opening days, will be replaced be seriously cool conditions in Bolivia as they now head to altitude.


Consider yourself a tough chap or lass? Chances are you got nothing on the riders of Dakar.

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