Dakar 2017 - another update.


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I know there are many aspects to these sorts of situations, but I’m with Joan on this one.



Stage initially won by Honda’s Michael Metge, who was later handed a 1 hour penalty for missing a waypoint. Leader Sam Sunderland got lost, to the tune of around 17 minutes before (probable Saint) Paulo Goncalves arrived and led him out of the wilderness.

Bad news elsewhere, second place rider and surely people favourite Pablo Quintanilla crashed, eventually retiring and front runner Stefan Svitko was third on the road before being taken away for medical care for exhaustion. Brabec out with mechanical too it seems, shame.

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Barreda was the eventual winner, making this his third stage win this year and would be leading if not for the earlier team penalty. Hat’s off to him for keeping his chin up.


Good luck with that guys.

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So in the end Sunderland is still leading comfortably (30 mins), although he wouldn’t want to get lost again or Barreda to get any of that penalty handed back.


Mikko loses 3 hours. Devo. Got lost in a riverbed, high centered the limited travel MINI (4x4 class - less wheel travel) trying to get out, punctures, hitting a truck in another truck’s dust, damaged radiator. I was really liking his cool and calm approach, he wasn’t going to win but he was showing he had the stuff. Still does, the Dakar can bite anyone.

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The remaining Toyota’s are now about an hour off the lead. In my opinion neither Roma nor De-Villiers has the speed to take on Loeb or Peterhansel, even if the Hilux was fast enough.

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Al-Rahji on the comeback from having altitude sickness placed 4th in the MINI and best of the rest.

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Despres was third with Loeb leading Peterhansel on the road. Peterhansel again involved in an incident with a biker. This time stopping to assist him and wait for the medical chopper. Sparking a fury of online commenting. I wasn’t there so I can’t comment, only to say we hold up our individual sporting champions, and then deride such charateristics as ruthlessness...

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So with the time handed back for stopping. Peterhasel actually now leads the rally from Loeb by 5 minutes. I bet Loeb is glad Stephane never did WRC...



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The might of KAMAZ has been too much for the lone warrior De Rooy this time, it would seem. I suspect he wouldn’t have it any other way, it means victory when it comes it so much sweeter. The Russian’s star driver Eduard Nikolaev, took command on this stage and of the rally. Making a KAMAZ 1,2,3 on this stage. Gerard now 24 mins behind the blue trucks in third outright, so still there if the two leaders were to hit problems.

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The last proper stage tomorrow. Then a quick 64km on the final day. Dunes then type WRC tracks, expect Loeb to have the eyes on!

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