
Illustration for article titled Stuff...

In lieu of doing any worthwhile adventuring or posting (I have actually been starting to prep the 105 for some more serious stuff, and cleaning mud, did I mention cleaning mud?), I’ll just post up some Oz based shares.


“We take Toyota’s venerable Troop Carrier for week-long trip in the High Country to see if it’s still a capable bush tourer.”


Yah, like that isn’t a foregone conclusion...


I’ve written about the Hay River Track before. Unfortunately seems the cat is out of the bag about that one.


This video demonstrates all that is good and bad about this particular (admittedly free) content. A great piece at the start about the Birdsville mechanic, that then de-generates into infomercial city.


{I had an experience with a ‘bush mechanic’ whilst in the Army. Admittedly we were in Borroloola at the time. Which is a whole different kettle of fish. However, this workshop looked liked every component he had ever took off a vehicle he just let drop on the floor and that is where it stayed. That is where we had to get our ‘white fleet’ vehicles serviced, because the Army mechanics were not allowed to touch them... Safe to say the guy in the video was a significant measure of improvement on my guy, Borroloola was not the sort of place too many normal people inhabited.}


Anyway, if you are interested, they are looking for writers!


Seems like they are not into nice share click posts, or I’m a internet fudwit. Both equally likely.

Old news, but Ronny has breezed past 100k subscribers. Given up his day job to focus full time on the channel. This kind of direction most people here have thought about at one stage or another, none of us having his conviction...


Can we at least get him on the bill for OVEX next year?

As many would know, I am a cooking enthusiast. With winter rapidly closing in Down Under my thoughts turn to winter food. An initial interest in Medieval Food led me to this channel. Which has a useful video about using a dutch oven for baking, amongst other back country relevant techniques. You can expect to see N and I sporting the full 18th century regalia on our next trip...

I admit it is still a tool I have little experience with. I feel you need to be stopped longer in one place to truly put it to use.


{Although, in our early days in the Range Rover club we befriended an older couple in a Defender. She would tell us how she had perfected baking bread every night (as that is what was insisted upon) while being on the trail. I got on well with the old boy, but he could never quite settle with the fact that I did the cooking. That, was a women’s job.}

Hopefully that time will come.

Not Oz based. However I did enjoy this tour of a new part of the US (to me). Also the more relaxed amateur approach that many channels start off with before... Well, let’s just leave it there hey?

Apparently between this guy, Hammypunch and Skylito. Overland types exclusively have daughters!