Great Overland Routes: The TAT - Trans American Trail

Image: ADV rider
Image: ADV rider

Deep intro upcoming...

So I guess as human civilisation has advanced, there may be some recognition that with every step that makes life easier, with every new bit of technology, anything that means we can remove yet another bothersome chore or physical exertion, we are not just gaining and advancing, but maybe just losing somethings too in the process.


We solved the problem of long distance travel a long time ago, by reliably taking to the skies. Not to mention the advent of the sealed motorway or highway. All these things are relatively painless, but does anyone actually enjoy flying? (as in a commercial flight rather than piloting your own craft, etc). Or driving on a highway for that matter? These are just means to get you to where you want to be in the most straightforward and least expensive way.

Just the same that fast food is much easier than cooking for yourself, I for one would certainly argue you are getting less of an experience out of your meal times. Isn’t that what life is about in the modern age? We don’t need to fight for our very survival anymore, so we may as well get the most out of the time we have, no?


Which leads us to why we ‘overland’ travel. Because we recognise, that the experience is in the journey, the good times, the tough times, everything in between. Finding new places rather than just bypassing them, to get to our ‘destination’. But here specifically, also getting to many places most can’t, or wouldn’t unless someone showed them. Exploring just for personal experience and satisfaction, just because, if you like.

Anyway, as I said DEEP!

(if anyone wants to borrow that for a husky voice over as an intro to their overloading video, go right on ahead, it’s all the rage)

Illustration for article titled Great Overland Routes: The TAT - Trans American Trail

So what has all that nonsense got to do with the TAT? Well, conceived by Sam Correroas as he just wanted to go explore on his dual sport bike on less travelled dirt roads rather than paved roads anyone could use. I totally admire the concept, his reasons are as good as any for me. You have to be glad you live in a country where this sort of rugged and rough adventure is still possible. While deploying a choice selection of mankind’s technological advancements to enhance your experience...


So what is the TAT? This all too brief video will give you the low down if you don’t know (c’mon Land Rover, where is the full length version of this film...?).

If you want a more detailed report. Then there are 14 excellent pages on Ex Po of what it would seem was the first ‘full body’ vehicle to complete it. Somehow appropriate that is was in the American off road travel stalwart, that is the XJ Jeep, doffs hat to the Golden Bullet.


And then...

So, as an outsider this seems like a fine way to see some real America. It misses out on some big chunks I wouldn’t want to, but you can’t be everything to everyone. Fly in, buy an XJ, raid REI for camping gear, do TAT, catch up with friends along the way, sell XJ, fly out. THAT TAT is my sort of ‘package holiday’.

Photo: Errr BigDog, quite... Woof!
Photo: Errr BigDog, quite... Woof!