International Overland Destinations. Ranked!

Not really ranked. Just some musings about possible futures... I wasn’t really thinking about another big trip yet. It is several years away at best. I am looking forward to some weekenders, smaller trips and stuff on the pushy over the next few years.


However, talking with the enabler got me thinking about another properly big trip.

I’ve also been pretty undecided about what our future overland set up might look like. Our central piece of equipment, the Oztent needs replacing (along with some other key pieces of equipment) before any more serious excursions are undertaken. I nearly pulled the trigger on a new Hilux when we got back from driving round Australia, with the thinking we would go a RTT mounted behind and below the cab. I even got as far as sketching out a layout. Whilst waiting out cyclone warnings and seeing if the road to Kalumburu would open, with a broken toe at El Questro in the Kimberley.

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However that model’s well publicised problems gave me pause, and I bought the bike. Correct decision.


If another big trip was the eventual goal, it would almost certainly be overseas. Then we may as well tailor whatever we do to being suitable to that. So, as one will have a large effect on the other, the most important decision would be that eventual destination. As obviously the requirements for say Trans-Canada, are quite different to say, Saharan Africa.

Putting aside the fact that international travel is almost certainly changed permenantly and we have no idea what that is going to look like in the future, near or far. As this is very much completely theoretical. Let’s just play the game anyway...


[Let us be clear, this isn’t a exhaustive list. It is my list. These are the places I would current consider for another big trip, and the pros and cons are from my point of view]

The United States of America - To probably almost anyone who hasn’t been there, the US holds a unique fascination.

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  • an almost unrivalled variety of stunning scenery, with unrivalled access
  • huge amount of cultural and historical things of interest
  • it’s the US!
  • burgers and bbq
  • O&E fellows to catch up with!


  • busy, busy, busy
  • way too similar culturally to Australia
  • perhaps too easy... not foreign enough feeling
  • expensive

Africa - the classic and original overland destination in many ways.

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  • vast
  • wildlife unlike anywhere else
  • huge variety of countries to choose from
  • unfamiliar cultures


  • some of the landscapes appear to be quite similar to Australia
  • my travelling companion is of quite a nervous disposition at times
  • the poverty would bug me
  • maybe not foodie enough for me, although I might be proven nicely wrong about that...

Europe - a huge amount of history and culture, with some incredible scenery too.

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  • beautiful scenery, and very accessible
  • food, culture, history, food
  • some dirt tracks and trails still there if you know where to find them
  • perfect campervan destination - I love the idea of a van

  • could be stitched into a trip home to see family in the UK


  • crazy busy
  • crazy expensive
  • mostly bitumen roads
  • we kind of did it a few years ago

South America - I’m not going to lie, probably the current front runner. Properly foreign with out being too challenging. Some amazing scenery, people seem very friendly and strong food appeal.

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  • the right balance between developed and different to where we are, and what we have done before
  • different types of scenery and climate to Australia
  • food/wine
  • obviously foreign and a different language but plenty of opportunities to meet other English speaking travellers
  • whilst still being able to explore on your own


  • it is not close to any other destination, so it would be a stand alone trip
  • co-pilot might complain about the cold...
  • is it maybe a touch too busy and developed?

Mexico - one country as a stand alone big trip destination? Mexico would probably be in our top three of countries we would like to visit. So it would be a different trip to a far ranging, big mileage expedition, but still worth considering.

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  • tacos
  • tacos
  • varied and different scenery to Australia
  • tacos

  • plenty of tracks and trails
  • tacos
  • could be linked into a US trip
  • tacos


  • probably quite busy
  • we would just be more gringos
  • having to decide what to eat when you are too remote for a taqueria

Mongolia - ancient, vast and a totally unique experience.

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  • a proper adventure
  • the people seem amazing
  • almost no one does it


  • getting there
  • if anything goes wrong...

India and Sri Lanka - this is actually a serious consideration for me. Not a destination that really pops up for overland travel, but I would have thought it ticks many boxes. It could be somewhere you just fly into, buy a vehicle and go from there? Theoretically...

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  • properly foreign
  • food!
  • very different to Australia in terms of landscapes
  • a good mix of busy cities and remote areas


  • the second most populous country in the world (India)
  • maybe an adventure too far?
  • the busy roads would be crazy

So that’s my list. It will change, no doubt. Plenty of food for thought in there, and lot’s more research to be done (obviously).


So South America seems the right balance at the moment. I’m going to have to look hard at India. Also a hybrid trip is quite likely too, the US and Mexico. Spain, Portugal and down to North Africa. Anyway, as I said it’s years away yet. Plenty of time to day dream.

I know we’re a pretty small collective around these parts these days, but I’m fine with that. Any thoughts or opinions, leave them below.

