Weekend of Rovers on The Rocks

These three look like they’re about to drop the hottest new mix tape.
These three look like they’re about to drop the hottest new mix tape.

*Disclaimer: Lucky8 LLC is one of the sponsors of this event and so pictures of their trucks with logos will appear in this write up, my only association with them is that my buddy who I was riding with runs their social media accounts. I received nothing in the way of discounts and or money for this write up.


Every year in November East Coast based Land Rover madmen enthusiasts make their way to Eastern Pennsylvania in Coal Township, PA for a weekend of off-roading, small amounts of shenanigans and general camaraderie between fellow Land Rover owners.

Held this year at Anthracite Off-Road Adventure Area and consisted of a competition with 3 events and a finals. Rock Course, backup challenge and neutral challenge. We were lucky enough to have the rain from the previous day stop but had a snowsquall roll through Saturday morning to make for some pretty pictures.

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Rock Course:

Trucks pass through a series of gates with points being awarded for time and bonus gates attempted/passed. Points are deducted for stoppages (ie: Truck is stuck and needs time to get free), backups due to failed attempts at getting through gate and using a winch in any situation. Normally this course is reserved for 34inch tires and up, but we got a 33inch mostly stock Disco though!

Some of you may know Peter and his RRC Bumble, good dude!
Some of you may know Peter and his RRC Bumble, good dude!

Bumble the RRC making his way through the rock course
Bumble the RRC making his way through the rock course
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Illustration for article titled Weekend of Rovers on The Rocks
Illustration for article titled Weekend of Rovers on The Rocks
Illustration for article titled Weekend of Rovers on The Rocks
Illustration for article titled Weekend of Rovers on The Rocks
Illustration for article titled Weekend of Rovers on The Rocks
Illustration for article titled Weekend of Rovers on The Rocks
Illustration for article titled Weekend of Rovers on The Rocks
This is Randy, Randy is kinda crazy, he did the Rock Course in under 5 minutes.
This is Randy, Randy is kinda crazy, he did the Rock Course in under 5 minutes.

And here was the mostly stock Disco, @Akio this one’s for you!

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Illustration for article titled Weekend of Rovers on The Rocks
Illustration for article titled Weekend of Rovers on The Rocks
Landie needed a quick tinkle. Ed is weird, so is into that sort of stuff.
Landie needed a quick tinkle. Ed is weird, so is into that sort of stuff.
Eh, there was some damage but he needs a new bumper anyway.
Eh, there was some damage but he needs a new bumper anyway.

On to the Backup Competition:

Judges RR Sport with a few upgrades, yes those are sliders and it does have a winch.
Judges RR Sport with a few upgrades, yes those are sliders and it does have a winch.

The rules are simple, quickest time with the lest amount of stops and obstacles hit wins.

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Illustration for article titled Weekend of Rovers on The Rocks

Neutral Challenge:

Pretty much all you had to do in this challenge was come to a rolling stop closest to the pin without using any sort of braking, be it engine, hand brake or brakes themselves. Kinda boring so I focused on more interesting things:


The Lucky8 D5...

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Illustration for article titled Weekend of Rovers on The Rocks
Illustration for article titled Weekend of Rovers on The Rocks

I have to say, once you get some extra stuff bolted onto the D5 it’s not terrible. The back hatch is still stupid though and there is apparently a $2000 3rd party back hatch with a square license plate area you can get to make it look less stupid, but it’s $2000...

There was also a D3 with a secret...

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Illustration for article titled Weekend of Rovers on The Rocks

The winch bumper is actually 3 pieces, so you save a crap tonne in freight shipping charges as apposed to a 1 piece bumper.


The Finals,

The finals involved a timed trial around a dirt road course at night to determin the winner among the finalists.


A little NSFW language in the video.

A few guys went all out as they were in it to win it!

I won’t post stuff about the award ceremonies as it was very Lucky8 heavy advertising which I think would take away from the post overall so we’ll skip that part.


Until next year:

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