Casual Sunday Shooting

Illustration for article titled Casual Sunday Shooting

After going out with the Land Rover club we felt a little bit more confident to go exploring on our own. So we decided to start by living a budget Holland & Holland lifestyle by shooting some clays first (sadly our corporate discounts still aren’t enough to afford something like this).

Illustration for article titled Casual Sunday Shooting
Illustration for article titled Casual Sunday Shooting
Illustration for article titled Casual Sunday Shooting
Illustration for article titled Casual Sunday Shooting
Illustration for article titled Casual Sunday Shooting

After we cleared the area we decided we wanted to explore some more trails out in the Tillamook Forest. Thankfully it hasn’t rained out here in over a week so there was plenty of grip for our multi-ton vehicles with 4 people in them.

Illustration for article titled Casual Sunday Shooting
Illustration for article titled Casual Sunday Shooting
Illustration for article titled Casual Sunday Shooting

However, after a while we managed to find some streams that crossed the trail, but kept on going. The all terrain tires weren’t doing as well as the mud terrains so we had to bring out the metal wire.


My truck though didn’t have a problem powering through it.

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And we continued on for the rest of the day!

Illustration for article titled Casual Sunday Shooting

I’m planning on going on another Rover Club trip on Sunday to see what else I can get this beast stuck in somewhere in the Oregon countryside.

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