Pacific Coast Rover Club goes Indoors

After coming out to Portland to work for Jaguar Land Rover I always want other people to have an opportunity to come in and see what we do. I mean I work here every day and I think it’s cool as hell.

So after jumping through some hoops we were able to have one of our monthly gatherings in our garage.

Illustration for article titled Pacific Coast Rover Club goes Indoors
Illustration for article titled Pacific Coast Rover Club goes Indoors

We weren’t able to show a lot of what we have going on, but we were able to fire up our simulator and let people have a go and driving our vehicles virtually.

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We even mock the scene to resemble our garage.

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We have a lot of different vehicles to support from a small F-Type to a full size Range Rover so it’s completely modular.

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But it’s not quite as cool as where the controls typically sit, a late model Range Rover Sport.

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Of course we took out all the fluids and unnecessary heavy equipment so we can move it around the garage a little more easily.

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Pretty cool right?! I thought all y’all might like the virtual open house.

If you’re in the PNW and want to hang out with a bunch of crazy Rover guys.

Or if you have a startup or want to hangout in the garage every day while working on cool car stuff.
