Have you ever seen a movie with a Halloween scene...

And it’s just a crazy amount of people roaming the sidewalks? With kids everywhere and lines at the doors?

And thought to yourself: “I’ve never seen a Halloween like that.”

Well, I grew up in the suburbs and then lived in a college town for 8 years and Halloween was fun but never more than a smattering of kids and families. The suburbs were too spread out and the college town didn’t have that many kids in trick or treating age near me.


Now I live in a neighborhood and it’s like one of those movies. The sidewalks are overflowing with people. Kids are everywhere. I’ve heard the busiest areas get 1,000 kids.

It’s awesome. And my daughter is 5 and can bare about 75 minutes of trick or treating in the chaos and cold until she’s completely wiped. This was the best picture I could get of the madness...

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