I don't understand Kinja web design

Here is my version of the Jalopnik front page with all my custom filters enabled - it basically keeps Jalopnik’s layout at the early-Kinja format that was fairly readable. The only thing cluttering up my FP now are Shilling’s awful takes.

Illustration for article titled I dont understand Kinja web design
Screenshot: Kinja I guess
Illustration for article titled I dont understand Kinja web design
Screenshot: Kinja I guess

Here is Kotaku this morning with no filters enabled except the standard ad blocking. How is this a user friendly layout? What am I suppose to read? What’s the newest article? Why is a video game block feature posting about basketball and social issues? I use to pop over there maybe once a week to read up on some games I was interested in, but now it’s too cluttered and painful to visit. Who hired these web designers?!


Thanks for listening to my rant.