It is done, and bonus doggos

Illustration for article titled It is done, and bonus doggos
Illustration for article titled It is done, and bonus doggos
Illustration for article titled It is done, and bonus doggos

And the owner of Diamond Tire and an employee had pups and even a mama and a baby bull pupper. Made my hour wait enjoyable. I should have brought Sylvie but I didn’t know! Aesthetically the car could be an inch lower but SF construction roads and small shitty roads out to surf spots need that extra inch.

Illustration for article titled It is done, and bonus doggos
Illustration for article titled It is done, and bonus doggos
Illustration for article titled It is done, and bonus doggos

We were at the beach a couple days ago. Nothing surfable but we had a hoot. Coyotes were around, we saw three grey whales and two dolphins, no seals.

Illustration for article titled It is done, and bonus doggos
Illustration for article titled It is done, and bonus doggos
Illustration for article titled It is done, and bonus doggos

Random Sylvie pics from this week:

Illustration for article titled It is done, and bonus doggos
Illustration for article titled It is done, and bonus doggos
Illustration for article titled It is done, and bonus doggos
Illustration for article titled It is done, and bonus doggos
Illustration for article titled It is done, and bonus doggos