M37 Update....

So I called my friend at the shop and had a talk. I guess we will hold off on the heater etc.. and focus on just getting the rest done. He is concerned about the old brake system and it’s hard to get drums that aren’t worn out. So I guess we will bite the bullet and just do it right and not have to swap the brakes later. M Series Rebuild has an amazing kit that costs a bit more but you don’t have to ship them hubs and all that. All the other kits require you to ship you hubs to a machinist etc.., the kit is about $300 more than others but as you can see it is very nice and will save a couple weeks shipping things around the country. I doubt it all fits in flat rate boxes so it will be half of the difference at least I’m sure.

And since we are doing that I will get an E Stopp kit and just be able to hit the button for the e brake, it is also a theft deterrent system, not that many people would climb in an M37 and try to make off with it, if they can even use a manual this one will not be the easiest to try on! I’ll just paint the button green, there are so many things on the dash I doubt you could tell something was added. 

Illustration for article titled M37 Update....
Photo: M Series Rebuild and E Stopp
Illustration for article titled M37 Update....
Photo: M Series Rebuild and E Stopp
Illustration for article titled M37 Update....
Photo: M Series Rebuild and E Stopp
Illustration for article titled M37 Update....
Photo: M Series Rebuild and E Stopp
Illustration for article titled M37 Update....
Photo: M Series Rebuild and E Stopp