Tell Me All About Your Issues With Jalopnik Comments

Illustration for article titled Tell Me All About Your Issues With Jalopnik Comments

Hello Opponauts, I come to you with good news and a request. The good news: We’re trying to fix the comments. The request: Tell us about your internet setup that’s yielding such a problematic user experience.

Please answer these questions if you are having issues with the comments not loading properly:

  1. Are you on mobile or desktop? If the latter, PC or MAC?

  2. Which internet browser are you using?
  3. Are you using adblock fo some sort? What is it?

  4. Optional: What’s your internet speed?

Also, if you don’t mind, just describe in a sentence what issue you are having.(You have to refresh the page for it to work? Or does it not work at all? etc.).

Our new EIC has an old Willys, so you know he’s good at fixing things.