As we age, expect foot shit.

NOT my foot. But, this foot shows a bunch of crap going on. Probably similar pain levels.
NOT my foot. But, this foot shows a bunch of crap going on. Probably similar pain levels.

I’ve been blessed with narrow Swedish women’s ankles and feet, courtesy of my mom’s genetics, and not the Popeye natural strength genes from dad. So when I sprained my foot in the garage for the umpteenth time (and what turned out to not be a sprain but more of a shittying-up the ankle controls) and get x-rays I haven’t had in forever, we get a look at what’s coming up in my own life movie theater.


Top front of the joint, and behind it but above the heel bone, are some “protuberances” that are eventually going to be annoying as hell bone spurs. I hear they come on from repetitive injuries. Those will be a factor eventually, especially the one in back at some point as it presses in to the Achilles. The one in front? eh. It’ll probably be the one that drives me to wear more Velcro based shoes and drink.

What I did do is enough soft tissue damage to make aches and pains on the sides of the Achilles, and right where that top front spur is located. Never had pains there before and never had them ever during any of my sprains. So Louis C.K. is pretty much right about our joints. 45 years old, shits worn out. I can take pills and be pain free and screw up my stomach, or just have pain.


MRI soon to see what’s messed up because 6-weeks after, I shouldn’t be leading stairs with my left and unable to run up a hill without needing Tylenol after. I’m guessing just a bunch of PT and other stuff to remember at home or in hotel rooms at work. I can still work. It’s annoying however sitting for a while where feet aren’t really in the best position but as long as I can still work airplane brakes and walk terminals I’ll be ok. But I’d like to exercise again. Bike...I need that.