Saving NASCAR: Need more road courses.

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Some of the most engaging and fun racing I’ve ever seen in NASCAR was on 2 mile unrestricted ovals, such as Michigan, and the road courses. Becuase the cars would squrim and wiggle and be actual work to control. I love Watkins Glen, Sonoma, and I guess I love the Roval at Charlotte. Compared to the number of oval races, cookie-cutter tracks, restrictors on 1.5 mile tri-ovals, just makes me bored. The second visit to Daytona in the year should be to the road course. They should visit Indy a second time and run the road course. They need these cars badly at Road America in Wisconsin, Road atlanta, a second visit to Watkins Glenn using the whole and full course. COTA in Austin, holy crap, would be great especially on the long drag race straight.


They are great oval cars. There is great racing on oval tracks. These cars could provide so much more action on roadie races and give us a more complete driver. Thats my thinking.