I'm just gonna open a store called "Weird Finance"

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Because anyone looking to finance a $180k+ Lambo with a really shitty credit score . . . I wonder what scenario exists where this is a reality. “Gosh, I have to have this lambo but my credit score is garbage after that divorce took everything.”


Their financing specialists listed is a link to Amazon finance. I suppose somebody is taking them up on this. I personally think any car worth $180k, and as an aside is still depreciating, should be bought with available large bags of cash and owned fee and clear. But, I’m not surprised if a Johnny Mental-case has cash rollin’ in without a penny to his name sees the yellow and thinks of all the clubs in San Francisco he should cruise.


AH, I’m a cynic.

But a legitimate case for putting 60k down and 3k a month of disposable income into a fire, instead of just saving your pennies? At what point do you still have a rich lifestyle but must finance everything? (Is this a tax dodge frontin’ business set-up that rich folks use to buy things and deduct payments off taxes? hmm...)