@home projects because what else will I do inside.

Illustration for article titled @home projects because what else will I do inside.

About two years ago I built this desk out of a craigslist tanker desk find and an office spare wood top in good shape. The issue was the chair armrests would knock into a push in the side slide-out trays and whatever was on them would fall off. Plus, a keyboard tray is nice to keep wires out of the way.. So, I recently ordered parts for a drawer slide to get rid of the middle drawer and put in a keyboard tray.

Illustration for article titled @home projects because what else will I do inside.
Illustration for article titled @home projects because what else will I do inside.

The tray is a Stair step, inch thick, already mitered toe edge. $10. I moved the pedastals out as wide as I could on the six foot top and then cut the step to fit the rails.

I now have 34" of keyboard tray, and will get another piece to epoxy on to the back of it so I will be extra deep and I can put some shallow trays back there for pens and pencils and the like. Some of what I lost removing the center drawer. Once thats all done, I will stain/seal it all up and it will mostly match.


I did some kind of hot rodding while indoors.

Also gave me an excust to clean up my desk space. It was geting pretty awful. Now, no wires to mice and keyboards. Yay!