I love Windows but I'm about to puke on Microsoft

I have a computer. I have a drive in it. I have windows installed. I have additional software through their Microsoft HUP program. I paid for that. I build a separate computer fro the kids for school work, etc. I fire it up. I install windows. And because were on the same home network, MS thinks that is also the same computer. It keeps changing the home wallpaper. I never got a chance to put in the windows key because it was already activated from moment one and I thought I’d see where this goes.

Well, now it thinks Microsoft Word is part of their subscription products, I have no idea why since my installation was fully legitimate, to begin with.


How does one household of multiple computers keep MS from assuming things and changing things under your nose? I’m a hardware guy, not a software guy. All of the secret right click windows to change things are just that, secret. Whats one to do.