Proofreading! Pro-america ad using foreign parts. (Semi-political)


Image: Useless volunteers at a Trump superpac.

Such as a pro American troops political ad photoshop using Russian Mig jets...and Russian soldiers. Oh boy. If I we’re already burning, I can see accidentally spilling gas on myself while in a hurry.

Im sure people in a campaign aren’t that cautious about fine minutae when assembling (literature) propaganda materials. Google free images of ‘fighter jets’ and cut and paste. Done. Who knows how to identify airplane silhouettes anyway? The volunteer making this image most likely had no idea at all. And given how this PAC does things lately, it was never passed around or proofed for any accuracy.


Well, some know what they’re looking at. And they will tell everyone else. Such as I.

“Hey, everyone! Look at the Russian jets ad soldiers in the newest Trump campaign poster!”