What Would You Do? Oppo Edition!!

Illustration for article titled What Would You Do? Oppo Edition!!
Image: houstoncarcruise.com

Imagine, for a moment, that you live in a nice quiet suburban subdivision just outside a major top five city. It’s still being built out, with new homes and commercial sites (read: upscale strip malls) both just completed and still under construction. There are a few VERY large business parks that have several big box stores, with mall-sized parking lots, and there are a couple of smaller store fronts with a few hundred parking spots. A sleepy area, with most people getting on the neighborhood FB page to complain about dog poop on their lawn being the most exciting of discussions.


This area is also a hot spot nationally for new COVID cases, with mask orders and the banning of all gatherings larger than 10 people in place.

Now, on a Saturday night, imagine that one of those smaller store front parking lots being suddenly filled BEYOND CAPACITY by several hundred cars, with several hundred people from said top five city (read as: NOT from our area) wandering the parking lot, mostly without masks. An Instagram-promoted illegal car show, in the middle of a suburban neighborhood, with the top demographic that have been shown to be surging in new cases (20s-30s, males).


So, Oppo, I ask you this: 


Would you call it in to the county Sheriff’s Department to have them drive over and break it up?


Would you consider that to be a “snitch” and just ignore it, despite cars leaving the meet and driving at LEAST 80-90 MPH in 40 MPH speed limit zones (on streets lined with sidewalks, through intersections that are normally locations of accidents at normal speeds)?

Would you take the current COVID-19 quarantine laws into consideration and insist that they be ticketed because they’re the reason why this second wave is occurring?


Or would you do nothing and ignore it?

Give your answer and use a couple of sentences to explain your position. Others might ask some questions, be prepared for a courteous defense.