Turbo replacement goes as expected

Which is to say that things broke. First three bolts for the under tray I sheared the heads off so that something to deal with and I have never been successful in bolt extraction. Intercooler came off as normal. Heat shield I stripped another three bolts so see two sentences ago.

Downpipe was tricky because I can never fit my impact wrench anywhere, eventually figure out the right combo of wobble sockets and whatnot to get that off. Never had this off the car and it’s a divorced/split one which is super cool looking.

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It’s a small piece of carpet, my garage is not carpeted. At some point after this the rear part of my exhaust decided to depart the car. All of the exhaust hangars broke. I didn’t realize it was entirely held up by three (old) exhaust hangars.

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After some fiddling with different ratchets, wrenches, and extensions (also getting cramps from tight areas) I was able to get the turbo out.

Illustration for article titled Turbo replacement goes as expected
Illustration for article titled Turbo replacement goes as expected

I had to get a new 5/8" line for the for oil return at the bottom of the turbo which proved difficult. Finally found some on my fourth store I went to. Never found exhaust hangars that work so those have been ordered. But the good news is the new turbo and braided oil feed line is in.

Illustration for article titled Turbo replacement goes as expected

Which leaves me with having to install the downpipe and rest of the exhaust (once the hangars get here), drill out the busted bolts in the turbo heat shield and find new bolts that fit that, install the intercooler, drill out the busted bolts for the under tray and get new bolts for that, prime the turbo, and finally, load it up with coolant and burp it.

Except for the stripped bolts it wasn’t that bad just a lot of looking around for tools that I JUST HAD and being under the car only to realize the tool I need is not there.