♫I Am Iron Man....♫

Adam Savage’s new show Savage Builds premiered on the Science Channel last Friday, and in the 1st episode he fabricated a “working” Iron Man suit.

Illustration for article titled ♫I Am Iron Man....♫

Now, I say “working” because obviously a lot of the tech for the “real” Iron Man suit still isn’t feasible. The arc reactor chest piece is back-lit ceramic, there’s no actuators, and there’s no HUD or JARVIS/Friday. It is, essentially, a riveted suit of armor that wouldn’t be that alien to a medieval knight, aside from being 3d printed titanium. It does fly, kinda, though no repulsors. Instead five turbines allow Adam to hover.

Illustration for article titled ♫I Am Iron Man....♫

Still, it’s fun watching Adam build again. He’s clearly in his element with this show, and honestly, I’d watch him assemble Ikea furniture .