Built Evo and Coffee Dallas // October 6th 2018

It feels like we’ve had more rainy days than clear days this past month. During one of my reviews it actually opened up on us which wasn’t the most ideal situation.

Fast forward to Cars and Coffee weekend. Rain again in the forecast. But we were blessed with a cloudy sky and no rain!

This month yielded some interesting cars. I loved the amount of work that went into the Evo I chose as the cover car this month. According to the owner it runs 1000hp.


The second car that caught my eye was the Toronado. You rarely see them, which is a shame because they are a striking automobile. I have been blessed with 2 sightings in the same week. I caught one while on lunch at work and again at Cars and Coffee. Naturally I had to get some shots.

And then there was the Lamborghini Urus. What an undercover Lambo that is. I only recognized it when I was right on top of it. The DNA is 100% there, from the looks to the exhaust note.


The downside of this month was the police presence. They were posted at every exit. Still got some nice acceleration runs when they left, but no where near what I usually get. It is what it is, here’s to next month! Hopefully the weather will be nice and police has other things to do that day!