Ruined Carmeet and Coffee // November 3rd 2018

The official statement speaks of the quality of cars declining. In reality I think that was only part of it. Over the years that I have filmed at the event, I started in March of 2014, I have seen the decline. Less vintage muscle, more current cars and eventually immaturity seeped in. Rev battles, people being idiots when leaving and disrespecting the staff.

If you didn’t gather by now, Cars and Coffee Dallas is dead. December will be the last one. I pray to the car gods that we will have good weather, because I am sure it would be quite easy to pull the plug prematurely.


I am certain the knowledge the show is ending cast just a big a shadow as the attendees walking around due to the low sun. I stuck to the paths lesser traveled and focused on the more vintage stuff which seemed to be largely ignored by most of the show goers. The supercar aisle was packed, so no stationary shots of super-cars this time. I made up for that when I went to two other meets that day. Cantina and Cars (where an F12 made a nice pass) and Rooftop meet which should yield some pretty dusk to dark stationary shots. I still got to edit those, but they will make their way to my page eventually.

Let me know what you thought of this month’s show and what you think about shows getting cancelled due to idiots.