Ford is the new Apple?

Illustration for article titled Ford is the new Apple?


I should buy Ford stock? That’s kinda what I got from this long article. I found it interesting as I knew nothing about Jim Hackett, Ford’s new CEO.


I said “YES!” a few times reading sentences like these:

“Maddening” is Hackett’s one-word description for 90-button TV remotes.”

“insist that the customer should not have to learn to speak the company’s internal language. The company should learn to speak the customer’s.”


So if Hackett and Ford are right, the User Experience, Human-Machine Interface company is the future of cars, not mechanical or software engineers or the car guys.

I guess we all knew this but the author put it into words nicely: “At present, the question hovering over the car industry is basically whether high-tech entrants such as Tesla and Google can learn crankshafts and drivetrains faster than Ford, GM, and other carmakers can learn software and algorithms.”
