This was a work post in Oct. I deleted/edited it.

A lot of you made prior replies to the post about my manager at work who got my direct supervisor of the past 8 yrs fired. I finally left the dealership. I was subjected to subtle harassment by more than one remaining staff member after that. I had been told by more than one person that I was one of the people the manager also wanted out. He got his wish. Being talked down to and spoken to like I was a child was at times both demeaning and infuriating plus I can come up with a few other choice words. After 4 months and being called into the office twice for things that were really nothing I quit my job without anything in the near future. What it came down to was 3 anxiety attacks in the last two weeks. When I got to work for days I had trouble breathing , followed by an uncontrollable feeling of unrest. The stress got to the point that several days my hands shook as I got out my keys to open the shop. After my manager arrived Tuesday AM he had a pissy attitude all morning and anything I did seemed to make him bark at me. After a couple of exchanges I was working at the computer and noticed my hands shaking. Not sure if it was anger, stress or whatever. At that point I’d had it and quickly typed up my resignation. They stood there with mouths open after I handed it to them as I walked out.

Fortunately I have some money banked, a 401k and a LOT of good friends online and IRL. Sorry to let O.C. the Torque Dork know that I’ll no longer be able to research old Chevy Van info for him or help a bunch of my customers in the same way with restoration projects. This customer group includes part of the staff at Summit Racing in Tallmadge who called me about stuff semi-regualarly. I’m trying to find a job outside of dealerships now as they all seem to be turning into “stealerships” and don’t have the integrity I was used to for 30 years in the industry. Back 9 years ago I was one of the last people to attend a GM awards event as a GM Top Performer, so I wasn’t just your average counter guy. They will never be able to replace the experience they are eliminating by forcing us older guys out to reduce payroll. I could try to sue them for age discrimination but they have high priced lawyers and I just need to get on with my life. My past 5 days have been filled with online job apps and searches on 5 different job sites. Wish me luck.


And I guess I’ll no longer be posting any good tales from the parts counter.