Full strength Monday

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One of my crews called in, saying our flatbed just lost it’s driveshaft on the highway. The low-mileage, just-had-$3k-worth-of-work-done-to-it flatbed. And... Apparently the pressure washers on said flatbed aren’t functioning correctly. Can you say, “money pit?”


Spent an hour on the phone trying to get a tow through our company insurance, only to be told at the end of the frustrating ordeal that “you’re not covered for tows”. Uhm, the fuck? You towed the same vehicle twice, just two weeks ago? We have unlimited towing. Thanks for wasting an hour.

Called an expensive (but good) tow company and they dispatched someone in three minutes. I’ve never been so close to professing my love towards a customer service rep.


And that’s where I’m at. Waiting for the tow, trying to handle three major issues and many minor ones, and getting more and more worried that nobody is calling me. I need updates. Gaaaaah.

Gotta get the flatbed working ASAP. Pressure washing service shops are few and far between, insanely busy and have atrocious customer service. Diesel shops that will service Isuzus are just as rare, just as busy.


This is the side of the job I don’t like.