Day 2 - AMA

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I love this turbo brick. Can’t drive it on the streets yet, so I’ve been spending a lot of time just sitting inside. And Maaaaaybe a few runs up and down my parking lot.


Currently scouring the interwebs for 850 jump seats so I can seat 7 in style. They’re pretty trick. They fold into the spare tire area, so if you don’t have the jump seats in use, they take up zero space in back.

Those inserts! That piping!!
Those inserts! That piping!!
Clever fold-flat system
Clever fold-flat system
Defrost... On the side windows. Swedish lux
Defrost... On the side windows. Swedish lux
Yep. Just hanging out
Yep. Just hanging out
I’ve now owned a 4-cylinder 4-speed, and a 5-cylinder 5-speed. What are my options in the 6-cylinder 6-speed camp?
I’ve now owned a 4-cylinder 4-speed, and a 5-cylinder 5-speed. What are my options in the 6-cylinder 6-speed camp?