Filson HQ is a very cool place.

Illustration for article titled Filson HQ is a very cool place.

They make their clothing in-house (literally, the workshop is on the second and third floor), they have the corporate leaders in their office space, the marketing team in a cabin-like open office layout, and one hell of a retail space. All in one building. Glad we have the Christmas contract with them.


Would you believe me if I said laying down on the street in the heart of Seattle with a chainsaw at my feet, quarter past midnight got me some odd looks? It did. We had a metric shit-ton of live trees that all needed to be trimmed to size, before putting in the building and covering with lights. Also about 3000' of live garland. A bajillion live wreaths. Some exterior lighting. It was a lot of fun, and really transformed their already spectacular sales floor(s).

Illustration for article titled Filson HQ is a very cool place.

Rented a 24' flatbed and took it to a tree farm to get the required greenery. That went well. What didn't go well was the asshole who broke off the driver's side mirror on our new pickup, and didn't stop. Fucker. 

This was my first 17 hour shift. Not as bad as I expected. Once you get past 12, time loses meaning and exhaustion makes everything seem hilarious.