Restaurant history, and stuff

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Illustration for article titled Restaurant history, and stuff
Illustration for article titled Restaurant history, and stuff
Illustration for article titled Restaurant history, and stuff
Illustration for article titled Restaurant history, and stuff
Illustration for article titled Restaurant history, and stuff

I cleaned up my grandma’s kitchen and snapped a few new pictures of the old menus she has up as wallpaper. Some real gems in there, from decades firmly in the rear view.

What I wouldn’t give to be able to buy a good cut of steak, pitcher of wine and tip generously... For under $10.


Speaking of my grandma, earlier this week she came outside from an exercise class to find her taillight busted. She took the Prius to a Japanese car specialist in Bellevue, and can you guess how much they charged her to fix the cracked light?











They told her to buy some clear packing tape, and they’d cover up the cracks for her, free of charge. Considering how beat the car is (her driving skills have not been kind to the 70,000 mile Toyota) buying a new taillight would have been a bit rediculous.


She’s been using this shop ever since my grandpa died, and I’ve always been a bit worried that they might try taking advantage of the 90+ year old lady who knows nothing about cars. Glad to see that’s apparently not the case.

Illustration for article titled Restaurant history, and stuff
Illustration for article titled Restaurant history, and stuff