Bathroom remodel brainstorming

Left is current layout. Measurements are all close enough for government work
Left is current layout. Measurements are all close enough for government work

I’ve been thinking about a bathroom remodel for years. Slowly but surely, a plan has been forming. Here are some of the key elements.


Shower only. I don’t use the current bath, and I don’t care about potential resale or code issues that may come about from not having a tub.

No threshold between the shower and the rest of the bathroom. I like the clean look. Plus I could just float the entire bathroom floor and go with a single type of tile for everything.


I’d like to put up a full-height partition wall to sepperate the shower area from the rest of the bathroom. No door. No glass. Likely tile the exterior of the partition wall in the same stuff as the interior of the shower.

Tile-wise, I’m thinking large format dark tile, or potentially some kind of stone if I can find something I like, that I can acquire cheaply. I want the entire bathroom dark, with warm mood lighting of some sort. Maybe recessed led strips, maybe Edison bulbs. Whooooo knows.


For the wall opposite the shower, I want to try doing a different, smaller format tile, using various different colors to smoooooothly transition from the black used in the other shower walls, to a dark blue. Think this, but uniform geometric tiles and much darker color pallette.

Illustration for article titled Bathroom remodel brainstorming

Quick, not at all to scale sketch.

Illustration for article titled Bathroom remodel brainstorming

Everything in the bathroom currently will need to be torn out, to the studs. There’s definitely some water damage, and I want a solid foundation to build from. I’m not sure how much I’ll be able to do plumbing wise being that I live in the middle floor of an apartment building, but... I guess I’ll find out! It would be nice to switch to a linear drain, especially with no threshold.