Hear me out - next oppo meet?

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I know, I know, SpaceX has entered the space tourism industry too as of earlier today. But at $250,000 per ticket, Richard Branson’s Virgin Galactic offers us mere mortals a discount of *millions* compared to Musk’s $10,000,000 fare. So if we each buy a ticket—thus saving millions, key point—we can use said savings to buy any number of desirable enthusiast rides for—this is where my plan really gets good—the world’s first space-to-earth reentry drag race!


Dibs on a Lancia Stratos.

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Seriously though, it’s pretty cool seeing space become a thing again. Getting out there is on my bucket list for sure, and it’s somewhat mind-boggling to consider how much of a possibility that will become in the coming years. I’m curious to see which of the various companies ends up being the breakout star, or even if they all enjoy a measure of success.