Moto maintainance day!

Illustration for article titled Moto maintainance day!
Photo: Me

Doing my first two wheel oil change. Unfortunately I find myself completely unable to get the Honda on it’s center stand without another person. Which means.... Waiting a few hours for my roommate to wake up! Rats. (Also, if my oil drain container doesn’t fit under the bike I’m going full Kyle and punching a wall)


Sidenote: I find it hilarious that the number 1 reccomended oil in the Miata world... Is also regarded as the best among the VFR enthusiasts. Guess it’s time to finally try out Rotella T6!

Illustration for article titled Moto maintainance day!
Photo: Me

New battery going in as well, as the OG unit is still inside and not holding a charge very well. I wanted to go lithium ion, buuuuuut... There is a chance that this bike will still be my dd through the winter. The motobatt has a lot more juice than stock though, so I should have no problem putting in a bitchin’ sound system for lakeside cruising. Who here likes freebird?!

Illustration for article titled Moto maintainance day!
Photo: Me

Cleaning and lubing the chain is also going to happen, I have not been very good about keeping up on chain maintenance after all these weekend adventures. There... Might be a small amount of rust on the chain :/

Illustration for article titled Moto maintainance day!
Photo: Me

Next up... Spark plugs! Somehow despite a surprisingly jalop lineup the past few years, I have never replaced spark plugs. Seems pretty easy though? Just need a spark plug socket and one of those gas station gap coins, right?

Illustration for article titled Moto maintainance day!
Photo: Me

Any other important (and simple) items I should tackle for this tune up?

Oh... Tire pressure. I have yet to check that. Hold on, getting a pressure gauge!