Another day, another adventure

Going to four days on/three days off has been the best career decision I’ve ever made. Makes day trips easy as can be, and overnighters much more doable.

Getting a motorcycle has been the best vehicular decision I’ve ever made. And I’m not talking about the very real fun factor. I’m fairly shy, and the bike does a lot of the leg work in terms of meeting people and getting willing copilots!


Here are some of the better shots from today.

Mt Rainier in the background, Nochas Peak to the right, and lake Tipco(?) down below
Mt Rainier in the background, Nochas Peak to the right, and lake Tipco(?) down below
Photo: Me
Have I mentioned my love for this tank bag? It’s big enough to carry gear for two people on a day trip, without resorting to saddle bags (kills aerodynamics) or backpacks (kills jacket ventilation)
Have I mentioned my love for this tank bag? It’s big enough to carry gear for two people on a day trip, without resorting to saddle bags (kills aerodynamics) or backpacks (kills jacket ventilation)
Photo: Me
White River. I’d be curious to know what mineral profile gives it such a milky appearance
White River. I’d be curious to know what mineral profile gives it such a milky appearance
Photo: Me
My new secret camp spot. There’s a small sandy beach just large enough for a pair of sleeping pads
My new secret camp spot. There’s a small sandy beach just large enough for a pair of sleeping pads
Photo: Me
Zoom in! You’re looking at hundreds of tadpoles along the water’s edge
Zoom in! You’re looking at hundreds of tadpoles along the water’s edge
Photo: Me
While a bit late in the season, the wildflower fields are still blooming
While a bit late in the season, the wildflower fields are still blooming
Photo: Me
Besides the original NSX, this is the only Honda I’ve ever experienced that made me feeeeeeeeel things
Besides the original NSX, this is the only Honda I’ve ever experienced that made me feeeeeeeeel things
Photo: Me
Illustration for article titled Another day, another adventure
Photo: Me
I wanted yellow, but this red has grown on me
I wanted yellow, but this red has grown on me
Photo: Me