I... I want a second motorcycle

As I drink my adult beverage and look through photos of the last moto adventure, I’ve got about twenty tabs open on the local Craigslist.

Yep. More motorcycles. I’ve caught the disease.

A particularly nasty case too, as I came much too close to buying my exact same bike yesterday, but in yellow. Honestly... I still can’t help but think that I should go back and make an offer?! Okay fine, I admit. That would be rediculous. So how about I grab a 4th Gen and a 6th Gen VFR to compliment my 5th Gen???


Ugh... Terminally ill.

Letting reason take hold, it’s clear that if I get another bike it has to be different enough from the SPORTtourer that is my VFR800.


My first thought was an adventure bike, but there are a few problems with that.

1. Price. These are insanely popular in my area, and it’s hard to find deals when they sell in seconds. Add that to the usually-quite-high msrp and it’s hard to make the money math work, new or used.


2. I already have a 500lb bike that eats up miles with relative ease, handles a passenger without complaint, and can carry oodles of gear wwhen necessary. While I would love something that can handle trails and potentially snowy winter riding better... At this point I don’t want anything heavier than the Honda.

Which leads me to...

A dual sport!

Something cheap enough to buy new, reliable as a top, capable of taking a thrashing, and good for learning off-road riding techniques. I... Tried taking the Honda off road. Believe me, I did! But it did not feel like a willing companion, what with the clip-ons, delicate fairings, and heavy weight. Sigh. It's certainly no Miata. 


I would also like being able to toss a passenger and a few nights of gear on the back. Like a cross between a dirt bike and one of the newer mid-size ADVs. 

DRZ400s jump out at me, along with the Japanese crop of 250s (wr250r and the like). KLR650s are also kiiiiind of a consideration, but honestly I’d rather go with something smaller and lighter. Any thoughts? Advice? If I go this route, I’d likely buy in October hopefully scoring a killer deal on a new bike. This would mean no truck, and I would likely commute on it throughout the winter on the days when working from home isn’t an option.

Illustration for article titled I... I want a second motorcycle
Photo: Me
Illustration for article titled I... I want a second motorcycle
Photo: Me

The alternative is ride the Honda year round, and create more and more CL bike browsing posts until OPPO is forced to enact an emergency 2-wheels-bad shutdown on any and all moto content.

(option 3: Turbo Busa and replace all my riding gear with tank tops and flip flops)