Any gin fans?

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Photo: Me

I’ve never much cared for Gin, so it was with no small amount of trepidation that I decided to experiment with the floral liquor.


First up was a pretty standard Gin Fizz. Admittedly it was very much a bottom-of-the-Gin-barrel cocktail, as I didn’t bother with freshly squeezed citrus, the egg used for the foam was a few days past expiration, and the Gin was far from what you’d want to drink straight.

That said... A wet shake followed by a second dry shake with egg white produced a perfect foam strong enough to center a metal straw! We’ll call that a success. Taste-wise... 6.5/10.


Next up was a non-traditional Gimlet. Using a fresh slush mix from a local restaurant in place of lime, lemon and sugar water, this was a surprisingly balanced drink. No hint of alcohol on the tongue, a light floral overtone, and no single ingredient overpowering the rest. This was something that went down easy, but in such a way as to reward sipping throughout the night.

Tonight I’m going to experiment with building cocktails *inside* of a large ice cube. Hosting a small dinner on Sunday and I might as well make a splash!

Photo: Me