Shipping woes

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Graphic: Me (AP)

Often, it’s the shipper that causes major headaches, not the courier. Here’s one way that they do so.


Recipient was understandably not thrilled to see his expensive, brand new front bumper all banged up. I was not happy to see it illegally shipped through us instead of freight where it belonged—seeing as it was over 150 pounds and wrongly marked as 150 on the label, but that’s a topic for another day. Neither of us was happy about the fact that a massive chunk of metal with numerous sharp edges had no foam wrap, no pool noodles, not even a shitty attempt at a cardboard wrap.

Even when it comes to standard box sizes, many times the big warehouse stores you all order online from will ship items in cardboard that is not rated for the item’s weight. Yes, cardboard boxes have ratings for how much weight they can stand per square inch, and yes, there are some well-known offenders who consistently fail to supply the correct box weight.


If a warehouse uses the incorrect box, the chances said box gets damaged in normal, by-the-books transit increases significantly. When that happens, the box either returns to be repacked which can add a significant delay, or is given to a customer in poor condition. Both bad options.

It’s not all doom-and-gloom though. Occasionally you come across a company that goes above and beyond!

Graphic: Me (AP)