Oppopinion needed - To replace the tires or not? [updated]

UPDATE: Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine I ordered them. You all made good points.  I almost always buy new tires when I buy a new car but didn’t with the Discovery (I wasn’t keeping it, right?) so I guess I was on borrowed time.

As is now apparently our tradition, we’re setting off in about a week and a half for an New Years overlanding adventure. This year we’re going back to New Mexico, this time with all three offroaders (last time we went I opted to drive the Volvo instead), which is about 725 miles one-way, probably about 2000 miles total.


The tires on the Disco... aren’t great.

They aren’t bad, but I had them up for replacement early to mid next year. The tread is fine, 7/32 on the mounted tires and 5/32 on the spare (which is weird but OK), but they’re beginning to show a little dry rot around the radius. About like this (I don’t have any actual pictures because reasons)

Not my tires, but pretty close to the rot I’m looking at.
Not my tires, but pretty close to the rot I’m looking at.
Photo: Bob is the oil guy

Also the outside edge of the tread looks... wrong. Almost lightly grated? I assume from a lot of trail driving with deflated tires? Looks like this but without the cracking between the treads.

Again, not my tires.
Again, not my tires.
Photo: TruthAboutCars

Tires came with the car but are relatively new. No older than 5 years anyway.

New tires are going to run about $850 (delivered, taxed, mounted) all in for five. Not ideal timing with Xmas coming up. Also still haven’t started the new gig so.... heh.


Partner made a good observation: If I replace the tires right after I get back, then I’ll regret not having them on the trip. (I’d plan on putting it off until April, but I see his point)

What does Oppo think? Replace? Wait?