Took the Jaaaaag out for a drive last night

Illustration for article titled Took the Jaaaaag out for a drive last night

That car is just so smoooooooth on the highway. I need to repair the rear suspension so I don’t get the annoying CLUNKS when I hit a bump. The plan is to finally put it in the garage for much needed maintenance over the weekend.


Also my celebration about fixing the audio was short lived.

Illustration for article titled Took the Jaaaaag out for a drive last night

There are a couple things that could be causing this issue. My repair could have failed, could be a voltage issue (took it on the drive because the battery was low), or could be a head unit issue. Next step is to look into replacing or bypassing the changer. Also going to look at swapping out the battery that is in there for the correct one. (Thanks shady dealer!)

Interestingly, this time the Nav rebooted and then starting getting intermittent static in the display. I... didn’t even think that was possible!

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