Graphics Card Question

I will include dog and car photos as payment for services rendered.

My friends and I have been playing a lot of computer games in quarantine and while my desktop is... fine, I am beginning to suspect my video card is letting the computer down a bit. I’m seeing 100% utilization on most games and while the performance has been fine, I am of course worried about starting to create problems.


The computer is nearing EOL, it was built in 2016, but probably has another 1-2 years in it before I need to move on.

I poked around a bit only to discover that video cards are... expensive? The one I have now sells used for more than I paid for it new. As such I’ve been struggling to find a card that meets my needs and when I do, struggling to compare it to the old card in a meaningful way.



  • Current Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960 4GB
  • Requirements: 3+ Video out (DP preferred)
  • Budget: $200ish; used is OK

Other system specs:

  • Processor: Intel Core i5-6600 3.30 HHz
  • Motherboard: Asus H170 Pro Gaming
  • RAM: 32GB
  • PS: 850 Watt

The card that I’ve found that seems... fine. Is a Radeon RX 5500 XT w/ 8GB for $220, but I am struggling to compare it to the existing card to see if that is money well spent. I have little patience for the bullshit process of comparing computer hardware outside of doing a deep dive for a build, so I figured one (or more) of you might have an oppopinion.


As promised: dog and cars from our most recent trip to NM.

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Illustration for article titled Graphics Card Question
Illustration for article titled Graphics Card Question
Illustration for article titled Graphics Card Question
Illustration for article titled Graphics Card Question