Jaaaag Maintenance is Proceeding

Illustration for article titled Jaaaag Maintenance is Proceeding

Mostly I’ve been focusing on disassembling. I got the expansion tank out, both belts, the lower splash shield, drained the coolant, and got a couple hoses off. Overall it was... fine.


Note: I apologize for the brain dump nature of this post. I still haven’t had my coffee.

The hoses were all stuck on, as old hoses tend to be.

The expansion tank was easy except for a hidden fitting keeping it from coming out. Lost some skin to that one. The FSM just said “remove” but there was 0 access and a small pin that needed to be removed first. Heh.


The front bumper cover was surprisingly easy except, again, for two hidden bolts. The FSM said to remove them and even showed a picture, but it was... mostly unhelpful. The bumper cover had to be removed to facilitate replacing the horns and the supercharger water pump. Also happy to have that fragile grille out of the way.

I bought some supertones, but alas they’re too large to use on the factory bracket, so I’m looking into other options and the supertones can go on the Saab.

Illustration for article titled Jaaaag Maintenance is Proceeding

Found a complete with the strange GM connectors on Amazon, so they’ll be here whenever Amazon ordains to send me some. NAPA also had them, but for $15 more... heh.


The belts were well past it, which I knew, and I certainly have concerns about my ability to get new ones back in there. So many pulleys! Also the wear on the outside of the serpentine belt is worrying.  Clearly something rubbed it at one point, but I have no idea if that is still the case.  Clearances are tight and visibility is nil.

Illustration for article titled Jaaaag Maintenance is Proceeding
Illustration for article titled Jaaaag Maintenance is Proceeding

Since I already have everything opened up, I went ahead and ordered a 6% reduction pulley for the supercharger, a throttle body gasket so I can remove and clean that, and new coolant temperature sensors.  Those are also going to take their sweet time to get here, but luckily I have plenty to do.


Today’s tasks are likely continuing to tear down the cooling system, get the new thermostat and temp sensors in, and maybe start the process of replacing tensioners.  If I get bored or frustrated of that, I might start working on the brakes.

I also have a worryingly moist cooler hose of some ilk that I need to decide what to do about. If the hose itself is weeping then now would be the time to replace it, but otherwise the only thing above it is the coolant reservoir and thermostat out/inlet. I guess I’ll give it a once over and see what the internet thinks.

This slight wetness on the hose seems to indicate a weeping hose, but all of the other stuff around it also being gross might mean I had coolant leaking there?
This slight wetness on the hose seems to indicate a weeping hose, but all of the other stuff around it also being gross might mean I had coolant leaking there?
Or it might just be a slow coolant leak?
Or it might just be a slow coolant leak?