I pressed a bearing

No real Jag updates. I spent Sunday on the couch because screw it and it is supposed to storm tonight so no garage time.

I did, however, swing by my friendly local mechanic and press a new bearing into the final pulley, so now I have a full set ready to go back into the car.

Illustration for article titled I pressed a bearing

I also called the local Jag dealer to see if they could get me the hardware kit for the parking brake. They could! For the low, low price of $90 + tax.


Why do dealers not seem to acknowledge that the internet exists?

I ordered some from the UK for 45GBP shipped, which is still a painful ripoff for basically two pins and a small chunk of metal, but less of one.


Bonus picture of my “awesome” Chinese jack pads, before and after use.

Illustration for article titled I pressed a bearing

At least they were cheap...