The universe and Oppo is telling me not to put a K&N filter on the Alfa

Illustration for article titled The universe and Oppo is telling me not to put a KN filter on the Alfa

I posted earlier that my eBay K&N filters* were a bit wayward. One was “damaged and couldn’t be shipped” which is eBay speak for “I don’t stock anything and thought this would be easier to get”.


The second one was delivered to the wrong address because the seller provided the wrong tracking information. You want to guess what they just responded with?

You’re RIGHT! They’re just drop shipping them from K&N directly and not trying to hide it. Filter is backordered and won’t be back for a month.

Illustration for article titled The universe and Oppo is telling me not to put a KN filter on the Alfa

Order number two is now canceled. There will not be a third.

*Yes you guys have convinced me not to use a K&N filter. Loud and clear. ACK.

But that said... I didn’t think eBay allowed this sort of thing? I thought you had to like... own the stuff you sell? Clearly not but I am more than a little annoyed. I mean... it worked out but still....
